
What's so fulfilling about being involved in missions around the world?

Supporting missions gives us the chance to invest in:

As a church, supporting missions gives us the privilege of being part of Jesus Christ's last words before he left the earth when he told us to go into all the world and take the gospel message.

Since our beginning, Rockside Church has committed to tithe (give 10% of our church income) to missions in addition to receiving missions offerings in response to faith promises and support of special projects. We currently have 55 missionaries and missions organizations to whom we contribute monthly support. Being a partner to a missionary involves more than dollars. We take seriously our need to not only GIVE, but also to PRAY, GO and SEND!

Our missions director chairs a missions team who spearheads the congregation's involvement. Sometimes it's hosting a missionary for a service and dinner. Sometimes it's gathering at a home to pray for all the missionaries. Several individuals have been involved in short term missions trips receiving prayer and support from the congregation.

Planting new churches is one of the best ways to reach people for Christ in the United States. Five percent of our general income is given to Ohio Church Planters. Whether it's church planters in Cleveland or across Ohio, they are our friends and we love supporting them. Ohio's Church Multiplication Network shares updates on present planters at http://ohiocmn.org.